Dan Farren
Aaron and Joanna are sleeping in their bed.
AARON: I want to change sides.
JOANNA (half asleep): What?
AARON: I like to go back to your side. Like we were before I got sick.
They get up and change sides.
AARON: Thanks. I feel safer on this side, like I did before I was sick.
JOANNA: Sure. You need to go to sleep.
AARON: I can’t. I’m afraid I somehow survived death, was on the road to getting better than the world ended around me.
JOANNA: It didn’t end. As always, the world has bad timing.
AARON: I can’t believe I made it back from kidney failure only to get possibly whacked by a virus.
JOANNA: There are a million stories just like yours. Some better, some worse. I love you and I’m here for you and it’ll be okay. Try and sleep.
AARON: Thanks.
JOANNA: Good night.
AARON: I think I want to go back to the other side.
JOANNA: I may need to isolate you to the living room.
Dan Farren is a writer living in California.